Adjust Mob Spawn Quantity

New in version

The mob spawn cap for natural spawns can be adjusted by enabling the Change Mob Quantities feature. This feature is off by default so you would have to specifically enable it.

During the normal world tick Minecraft will spawn mobs based on their class and the class mob cap. The Minecraft defaults are:

Class Mob Cap Example
MONSTER 70 Skeletons and Zombies
CREATURE 10 Cows, pigs, and sheep

Minecraft will cap the number of mobs of a given type within all currently loaded chunks. Note that this only applies to natural spawning. Mob spawns from spawners and other modded sources can exceed this cap. However, once spawned they will affect the natural mob spawn process. (This is why you see less mobs in the world on servers where players have mob spawn systems producing large quantities of mobs. Not that I am salty or anything…)

Keep in mind that Minecraft has worldgen related mob spawn. This is entirely separate from natural mob spawn. Worldgen spawns occur when a chunk is initially created. This is how you get all the cows and pigs populated in new chunks. As you can see by the CREATURE cap in the table above (10) natural spawn for animals is limited to 10 mobs in all currently loaded chunks. This is why you rarely see animals spawn on servers. It is more than likely a player has an animal pen with at least 10 mobs, and once that chunk is loaded no more natural animal spawn will occur. You will have to find newly generated chunks.

OK - so why use this feature?

  • You can increase the number of hostile mob spawns by increasing the MONSTER cap. Quantity has a quality all it’s own.
  • You can decrease the number of Bats and Squids. If you want to reduce the quantity of these mobs and not eliminate them entirely tweak the values down.


Mods can do their own mob spawning and not adhere to what Minecraft rules are. This feature cannot do anything about that. All this feature does is modify the constant values that Minecraft uses.


  • features.modifyMobQuantity Enable/disable modification of mob spawn caps.
  • mobquantity.ambient Change the AMBIENT mob quantity cap.
  • mobquantity.creature Change the CREATURE mob quantity cap.
  • Change the MONSTER mob quantity cap.
  • mobquantity.water Change the WATER mob quantity cap.